Project Update 5/3/24: South Gevers Street (from Minnetonka Street to Cosgrove Street)



  • Contractor still needs to establish vegetation, stripe pavement markings, patch curb and sidewalk, and demobilize from the site.
  • For the most part construction is at substantial completion on Gevers St. project. The remaining work to be completed is placing grass, working on street striping and additional touch up work on curbs and sidewalks. Once those tasks have been completed, contractor will begin removing construction equipment, signage etc. from job site and having free access throughout area.
  • Substantial completion is the industry term that essentially means that construction is about to come to an end. 
  • Pubic Works will continue to communicate any changes as the project progresses. Project construction began Spring 2022 and is anticipated to be substantially complete by Spring 2024. 
  • Driveway into the Gevers Villa Shopping Center will remain open for access to Jewelry & Watch Repair Center, Unique Hair Styles, Farr Builders, LLC, and Trevino's Barbacoa. 


Project Delays (5 months):

During project construction, a conflict was identified between the proposed storm drain system and a sewer line resulting in the redesign of both the storm drain system and the new sewer bypass system.  Additionally, CPS Energy performed gas main and property service adjustments which caused bid item overruns and additional street reconstruction.  



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Business Outreach Specialist: Gabby Tello, 210-207-4688

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