Help Identify Housing Needs in Virginia Beach
Help Identify Housing Needs in Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach Housing & Neighborhood Preservation (VBHNP) is collaborating with the Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR) at Virginia Tech to conduct a housing study for Virginia Beach. In November 2022, the City Council approved an ordinance to fund an updated housing study and report, which was previously completed by VCHR in 2016. The study will include VCHR's analysis of the current housing market and the identification of strategies to address the housing needs in Virginia Beach.
Eight public meetings were held in January - February 2023 where attendees participated in small group discussions to share housing-related needs and issues within the city. For those who were unable to attend one of the public meetings, this online survey is available to provide another opportunity to share input on:
- Housing-related challenges you've experienced or observed
- Resources that would address these issues
- What "affordable housing" means to you
Your input is important because your perceptions, experiences, and observations will be used to test VCHR’s analysis, add depth to their understanding of trends or data, and guide additional or more in-depth study.
The survey deadline has been extended and will be open until 11:59 p.m. on April 5, 2023.
To help provide background information on the housing study and why this initiative matters, a video introduction (used for the public meetings) from the consultant, VCHR Research Scientist Mel Jones, is provided at the beginning of this survey.
For more information, visit or contact Sharon Shoff with VBHNP at 757-385-5836 or [email protected].
We value and appreciate your time in taking this survey and thank you for your engagement and input!
Before completing the survey, please watch the video introduction* below from the housing study consultant, Mel Jones, research scientist with the Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR) at Virginia Tech. In her presentation, Mrs. Jones covers the following:
- Scope of work
- Why address housing at the local level
- Why housing matters
- Housing affordability in Virginia Beach
- Why your input is important
- How your input will be used
* This video introduction was previously used at all housing study public input meetings.