
Initiative 2.14 of the City Council's Focused Action Plan FY24-25 provides that City staff, in collaboration with BEACH Community Partnership, bring recommendations to City Council from the Community of One Plan for making homelessness rare, brief and nonrecurring. 

Housing and Neighborhood Preservation is asking the community to learn more about how the City and its partners are working to support and provide services to people experiencing homelessness in Virginia Beach and to provide input on the updated Community Of One plan.


The Virginia Beach Homeless Response System is a systematic and coordinated approach that includes City, nonprofit and faith organizations working together to address homelessness and help people in need. Housing and Neighborhood Preservation’s Homeless Services Division coordinates this community effort and funds programs that help make homelessness rare, brief and nonrecurring. 

Homeless Services also coordinates the homelessness coalition, known as the Bringing an End to All Homelessness (BEACH) Community Partnership; provides administrative support to the Continuum of Care; and oversees the operations of the Housing Resource Center (HRC).

The City of Virginia Beach's direct programs and services include the HRC family shelter, triage and assessment for homeless and prevention services, and outreach to unsheltered individuals.


The project contains the following sections. The survey, available on the ninth tab, will be available through 11:59 p.m., Mar 3, 2024.

1. Overview (You are here)

2. Introduction

3. Misconceptions and FAQs

4. Where We've Been

5. Where We Are

6. Where We Want to Go 

7. Resources

8. Sign up for City Updates

9. Survey: Provide Your Input on the Proposed Goals


In addition to the survey questions, tabbed sections include questions for your own use to learn more and gauge your understanding of the complex issue of homelessness.

Question title

Please answer the following question:

Having a stable place to live is important.

Closed to responses

Who to Contact:

For questions or issues regarding the survey, Nancy Bloom at (757) 385-6279 or email [email protected].

For questions on homeless services or the Community of One plan, Pam Shine at (757) 385-6349 or email [email protected]

Project and Survey Opens

Feb. 16, 2024

Survey Closes

11:59 p.m., Mar 3, 2024

Briefing to City Council

FY 2025-2030 Community of One: All In draft plan presented to City Council for input and guidance.

Housing and Community Preservation Director Ruth Hill presented to the informal session, 3 p.m., on March 12, 2024.

Watch the recording at virginiabeach.gov and read the presentation in the documents section here.

Results of Survey Posted

March 12, 2024

City Council Action

FY 2025-2030 Community of One: All In on City Council agenda for vote on adoption.