City Council FY24-25 Focused Action Plan
City Council FY24-25 Focused Action Plan
Thank you for your interest in this survey, which closed for comments on Sept. 18, 2023. This was an opportunity for residents to help shape the City Council Two-Year Focused Action Plan and have input into policy development and decision making. Please see the results of the survey and updates.
March 13, 2024: Mid-Year Report on the FY24-25 Focused Action Plan presented during State of the City. See the report in the documents section.
October 17, 2023 Update: City Council adopted the FY24-25 Focused Action Plan. A copy of the Plan can be found under the Documents section of this project.
September 26, 2023 Update: Assistant City Manager Monica Croskey Chaparro briefed City Council on the results of the survey. A copy of the briefing has been added to the Documents section. Video of the briefing is available to view on demand.
A timeline has also been added to provide other key dates with respect to this issue.
At its retreat on Aug. 22, 2023, City Council worked with a facilitator to build the foundation of the Plan, which will outline what the City Manager and staff will focus their time and energy on to help find solutions, identify opportunities for investment, or challenges that City leaders need to address.
During the retreat, each Council member was invited to identify and share up to seven priorities. From those submissions, the facilitator consolidated the input into themes.
Council then moved on to a discussion of what success would look like for each theme. This exercise will assist the City Manager in determining what is the art of the possible and what City staff can commit to achieve on City Council’s behalf.
Before finalizing the Plan, Council has asked that the community be engaged.
The survey below first asks residents to review each theme and indicate how much focus it should receive on a matrix. Residents may add additional items that are not listed but are important to them (limit of two). Finally, residents are asked to share what success looks like for the items they marked as “Most Focus” and “Some Focus.”
The rankings and comments obtained will be provided to City Council to inform them prior to the final version of the City Council FY24-25 Focused Action Plan.
The survey will remain open until Monday, Sept. 18.