Commercial Vehicle Survey
Commercial Vehicle Survey
An ordinance regulating the parking and storage of commercial vehicles in residential and apartment zoning districts has been a part of the City Code since 1973.
Under the current ordinance, City Code 16-41.1, a “commercial vehicle” is defined as:
A loaded or empty motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer designed or regularly used for carrying freight, merchandise, or more than 10 passengers, including buses, but not school buses.
The ordinance prohibits the parking of a commercial vehicle in residential or apartment zoning districts with the following exceptions:
- One commercial vehicle is allowed on the property of one ton or less in carrying capacity which does not exceed seven feet in height or 20 feet in length where the building is owned or occupied by a resident of the premises.
- Commercial vehicles during the normal conduct of business or in the delivery or provision of service to a residential area.
- The parking of semitrailers for commercial or industrial storage is permitted on bona fide construction sites only.
The following are examples of the types of commercial vehicles that may be parked in residential areas under the current ordinance:
Cargo Van (without racks/ladders) | Small Walk-In (without racks/ladders) -- Typically 20 feet long and less than 7 feet high |
The purpose of this survey is to solicit public input on whether the current ordinance should be amended to allow larger commercial vehicles to be parked in residential areas.
The Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation will present results from the survey to the City Council for their consideration.
For more information about the commercial vehicle ordinance and Code Enforcement, click here.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We appreciate your feedback.
The following are examples of the types of common commercial vehicles that are prohibited from being parked in residential areas under the current ordinance.
For each example, please choose which option you agree with the most in response to the question:
"Should the commercial vehicle ordinance be amended to allow this type of commercial vehicle to be parked in residential areas?"
If you think it should be allowed with restrictions, please explain in the comment section what restrictions should be considered.