Francis Land House Proposed World War II Exhibit
Francis Land House Proposed World War II Exhibit
This survey asks for your input about features you might like to see included in a proposed World War II exhibition. The Virginia Beach Historic Houses Foundation is exploring an opportunity to provide a temporary (three- to five-year), house-wide, immersive and interactive exhibition that brings you back to World War II as a member of the DeFrees family, the residents of the house during that time. The exhibit would focus on telling local stories, soliciting collection items from our citizens and bridging our local history to events happening across the nation and world during that time, including Lindsay DeFrees, the DeFrees’ only son. He served in the Army during this time, was under attack at Pearl Harbor and defended Normandy Beach in August 1944. This project would develop the historical interpretation of the house in concert with Virginia Beach City Public Schools staff and allow opportunities for additional partnerships and collaboration within our community. Potential components of the exhibit include an emphasis on local history depicting stories about real people, like Lindsay DeFrees, expanded and interactive exhibits, and curriculum-based interpretation that meets Virginia and U.S. Standards of Learning objectives.
This survey will be open for responses until Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2019
For information about the Virginia Beach Historic Houses Foundation, please visit and for information about the Francis Land House, visit
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